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OKR: The importance of measuring what really matters

With the support of this method as a key work tool, suitable for both government and implementation teams, clear guidelines and work processes are established that facilitate the identification of key tasks with the aim, not only of helping to scale up and expand, but also of having the certainty of being able to dispense with the tasks that do not help in the achievement of the objectives. This is the only way to achieve effectiveness.

Following this methodology is useful to measure strategy and key results based on previously defined concrete actions in all departments.

Like all processes of transformation and growth, at the beginning it is not easy: the implementation of an internal and innovative work system based on the alignment of culture, strategy and execution with the purpose of having all work teams going in the same direction, requires time and a learning process. It implies continuous performance management by everyone: employees, collaborators and even the company’s CEO.

OKR cycle by CONFIEN

Among other advantages and benefits, the implementation of OKR offers:

  • Achievement of objectives (it is recommended to assign 1 to 2 objectives per year).
  • It improves the relationships between collaborators and increases the effectiveness of teamwork.
  • It helps to the growth, expansion and business transformation.
  • Encourages coordination between different bodies and work teams.
  • Reduces the possibility of suffering a crisis.

Every implementation needs the support of an effective leadership to transfer in an agile way the working methodology to the whole team. This whole process implies a change in the monitoring of the impact of the tasks, as well as in the competences and skills of the company’s collaborators. The interrelationship between colleagues and key tasks and the agility in decision making are two basic aspects for its correct implementation. All this process would not be possible without a leadership that allows the establishment of this system in the organization and facilitates the incorporation of the business culture.